LEDinside 在 Micro LED 技術發展之初即投入豐富研究資源,並掌握最前端的情報與分析。2016年舉辦的 Micro LED 論壇開啟業界之先,掀起業界對於 Micro LED 的關注度。全球廠商都在關注、甚至已經摩拳擦掌,準備進入 Micro LED 這個全新的技術領域,「顯示螢幕」與「穿戴裝置」的應用已經開始陸續上路,但這些都還只是第一步。
2017 年我們將再舉辦業界最前線、專業的 Micro LED forum,針對Micro LED四大關鍵技術:磊晶與晶片技術、轉移技術、鍵結技術(Bonding)與彩色化方案,邀集全球產業先進,加上 LEDinside 專業分析團隊,剖析整個 Micro LED 的發展現況與未來趨勢,想掌握未來科技脈動就千萬不能錯過!
10:00 ~ 17:00(09:00 am開始報到)
台大醫院國際會議中心201會議室 / 台北市徐州路2號
中文 / 英文(現場提供同步翻譯)
繼傳統LCD(液晶)、OLED後,新一代顯示技術Micro LED吸引蘋果、索尼與全球顯示器供應鏈關注與投入。LEDinside指出,廠商間正在努力克服Micro LED的高製造成本,推動Micro LED發展。若以全面取代現有液晶顯示器的零組件的規模來推估,包括背光模組、液晶、偏光板等,Micro LED未來的潛在市場規模約可達300~400億美元。 本次簡報中將會呈現Micro LED關鍵技術發展方向涵蓋四大面向,包含磊晶與晶片技術、轉移技術、鍵結技術(Bonding)、彩色化方案等。除此之外,更會提及到Micro LED 顯示屏市場趨勢。
Micro LED is gaining high attraction as an emerging display technology for both wearables and TV displays due to its unique advantage in terms of color and brightness control as well as low power consumption. To displace LCD or OLED technology for these market segments, the technology will have to both fulfill technical and cost requirements. Looking throughout the value chain, both technical and commercial challenges stem from the very MOCVD processing of the wafers. AIXTRON is presenting how the micro LED displays differ from traditional SSL application and highlights the key challenges which needs to be tackled to enable a successful MOCVD processing. Due to its sub-millimeter dimensions, micro LED’s require an advanced transfer technology and an improved wafer uniformity level. For the epitaxy processing this translates into tightened specifications in regards to wafer uniformity and defect levels. AIXTRON is presenting an unique system solution which is exactly tailored to meet this new level of challenges.
With our evaporation and sputtering equipment Evatec already delivers mass production solutions to the worlds leading LED manufacturers . Our broad process portfolio stretches from metal “lift off” solutions, through TCO-ITO processes, all the way to complex optical mirror stacks like full DBR layers. Evatec ITO process know how also includes different solutions for damage-free ITO processing for green and blue Micro LED. Our new FTC (Facing-Target-Cathode) sputter source can be integrated on all Evatec cluster platforms including CLUSTERLINE® 200 and enables the combination of damage-free contact films and a highly transmissive bulk layer e.g. hot ITO. Leveraging our long experience in optical and semiconductor process technologies, our RADIANCE sputter cluster is optimized for complex interference stacks using features like “closed-loop optical monitoring” for thickness control and “plasma emission monitoring” for perfect stoichiometry . Here we show outstanding film results up to 8” for typical low/high refractive index metal oxides. Transferring these optical processes and know how onto semiconductor type cluster platforms enables new levels of particle performance and introduction of semiconductor.
Blue and green micro-LED fabrications usually require wafer-level laser lift-off of the epi layer from the sapphire growth substrate. The presenter will review recent process and equipment advancements in sapphire backside preparations and subsequent wafer-level lift-off processes. The discussions will focus on employing lasers using DPSS source for lift-off operations. For red colored, GaAs based mirco-LEDs, usually wafer thinning is required. The presenter will showcase recent results in GaAs wafer thinning and target thickness control for bonded wafer stacks. The technologies presented here evolved from mature processing technology platforms, hence, are ready for HVM adaptations.
Large area LED displays and general lighting are now commonplaces. The use of LED in micro-display is rare but is recently attracting more attention. LEDs have advantages in terms of efficiency, brightness, lifetime, temperature stability and robustness, compared with other existing micro-display technologies. Although LED micro-displays have been investigated, high resolution monolithic micro-display with decent visual quality is challenging. Non-optimized bumping technology and bowing of micro-LED array causing difficulty in flip-chip bonding are the major issues. We have developed two different approaches to illustrate high resolution micro-displays with much better bonding yield. A 1700 pixel per inch (PPI) passive-matrix and a 400 × 240 active-matrix micro-LED arrays bonded on ASIC have been demonstrated. Realization of full color LED micro-display is also a big challenge because it is not practical to selectively grow three different epi-layers emitting at different wavelengths on a single substrate for three primary colors. Dedicated for projection display application, we demonstrated a novel 3LED light engine that can project full color video on screen. 3LED consists of a trichroic prism that combines RGB images generated from three LED micro-displays based on AlGaInP (Red) and GaN (Green and Blue) materials. For near-to-eye display application, RGB quantum dots were printed on micro-LED array by aerosol jet printing, achieving full color LED micro-display with high image quality.
Micro-LED display has been getting a lot of attention in the last couple years due to its potential to deliver high peak brightness while consuming significantly less power than any of the existing display solutions. Combined with its fast response time, micro-LED display is considered to be a perfect solution for wearables, smartwatches, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR). There are basically two ways of implementing micro-LED display, 1) monolithic integration and 2) heterogeneous integration. The monolithic integration approach is an obvious one, however it usually associates with a higher cost than the other approach. The heterogeneous approach has potential to deliver significantly lower cost but faces huge challenges in manufacturing yield and output. For either approach, it is possible to use red, green and blue (RGB) LED chips together or blue chips only with a color converter such as quantum dots to convert blue into red and green. The latter becomes very attractive due to significant simplification of driving circuitry and manufacturing process. This talk will discuss in detail on the requirements for quantum dot color converters for micro-LED display and the current development status of quantum dots for this application.
High pixel per inch (PPI) and high resolution micro-LED (µLED) displays are attracting more and more attentions. The increasing pixel number requires a large amount of bonding pads and brings huge difficulties to micro-LED system design and lowers power efficiency as well. It is urgent to integrate row and column driving circuits onto the micro-LED panel. Here we report a fully integrated active matrix programmable micro-LED system on panel (SoP) with ultraviolent (UV) and blue emission wavelengths. The micro-LED SoP was achieved by integrating micro-LED arrays with silicon-based PMOS driving panel using fine-toned flip-chip bonding technology. With fully integrated scan and data circuits, the number of bonding pads was greatly reduced and large amount of metal interconnection lines were saved. The micro-LED SoP panel was mounted on a periphery driving board and representative characters were displayed successfully.
我們將介紹以數位調變技術為基礎的驅動背板,並且應用在Micro LED的驅動上,以下稱為Micro LED on Silicon,微型顯示器目前因為亮度不足及功率消耗過大還有壽命等等問題,因此尚未被普遍地應用在不同的領域裡。比較起其他的微型顯示器,Micro LED on Silicon 有許多的優勢例如它的高亮度,長壽命以及省電等等好處,也因為這些優勢使得Micro LED on Silicon未來在虛擬實境及微投影等相關應用中將佔有非常重要的地位的一個元件。
Emissive micro-LED microdisplays have been a topic of interest due to the need for high luminance levels in emerging applications, like Augmented Reality. Lumiode's technology uses III-V LED and directly integrates thin film silicon transistors to combine both efficient light emitters with active matrix circuits. We will present an overview of our technology and the need for micro-LEDs in new emerging markets.
開場:LEDinside 2017 Micro LED 次世代顯示技術產業趨勢
解決 Micro LED 在 MOCVD 製程上關鍵挑戰
Micro LED 量產: 以半導體生產標準製造光學元件
Micro LED 製造應用:生長基板背面精密加工和晶圓級雷射剝離技術
Micro LED 單一集成顯示器發展:矽基板LED陣列技術與應用
色彩轉換技術應用於全彩Micro LED 顯示器
Micro LED 主動式驅動顯示系統解決方案
Micro LED on Silicon 在微投影相關技術的應用
Micro LED 與薄膜電晶體的整合模組於高亮度微顯示器應用
Epistar秉持以一貫的初衷,展現智慧營造良好的“客戶-供應商”關係。Epistar始終相信,在互助共生、緊密交織的LED產業中,唯有與客戶密切合作,方能創造出雙贏加乘的佳績。基於此Epistar設計出獨有的“ Co-activation Service ”服務模式,與客戶協同設計開發提升產品性能,解決工程端與應用問題,並追求完美的品質控管水準。透過“ Co-activation Service ”緊密的合作關係,精確評估下游企業和消費者的多元需求,協助所有Epistar客戶服務其客戶時,也獲得最佳的客戶滿意度。
更多相關資訊請前往 www.epistar.com.tw
From 5G mobile network solutions and the new generation of intelligent LED based lighting systems in our automobiles, to Gesture Recognition Capability and EMI shielding for our smart phones, our thin film deposition systems enable manufacture of the worlds highest performance, semiconductor, optoelectronic and optical devices.
Our “in situ” Advanced Process Control ( APC) technologies including Broadband Optical Monitoring and Plasma Emission Monitoring (PEM) bring new levels of control to both film stoichiometry and optical layer thicknesses enabling new levels of production yields for some of the most challenging thin film performance specifications.
We provide both hardware and process know how to deliver complete production solutions for Advanced Packaging, Power Devices, MEMS, Wireless Communication, Optoelectronics and High Precision Optics. We offer a range of batch, cluster and inline tool architectures according to our customers' process, throughput and factory integration requirements including cassette to cassette processing with completely automated handling and full wafer tracking.
LEDinside 為全面性的 LED 產業趨勢及情報分享平台,而 Micro LEDforum 則是 LEDinside 針對 Micro LED 議題的年度成果分享。 台灣是全球 LED 產業關鍵推手,透過贊助本研討會,您將獲得獨特的宣傳推廣機會,在眾多廠商面前展示企業形象、享受絕佳曝光、能主動接觸業界上中下游的重要決策者,做垂直整合行銷, 藉此拓展您的貿易版圖並增進品牌商譽。 此外,透過此次贊助,您還可將獲得的研討會門票提供給您的客戶,建立彼此更良好的關係。
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Jade Chou led_service@trendforce.com +886-2-8978-6488 ext. 661
Paula Peng led_service@trendforce.com +886-2-8978-6488 ext. 662
Wendy Lin wendylin@trendforce.com +886-2-8978-6488 ext. 821
Tim Kuo timkuo@trendforce.com +886-2-8978-6488 ext. 822
Pinchun Chou pinchunchou@trendforce.com +886-2-8978-6488 ext. 669
Sean Lin seanlin@trendforce.com +886-2-8978-6488 ext. 667
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